
Monday, April 16, 2012

Mystical Monday--- as I pack for Silence

Translations by Daniel Ladinsky

As I reviewed the last seven love poems, this one leapt out at me.  It expands what I see my role in a universe that unfolds.  If this is true, being aware of it unfolding is not the only key, but I also have a role in helping it to unfold.

and with that thought I prepare for a bit of silence myself and leave you with this,

may it help the unfolding that is happening inside our hearts.

Expands His Being

All beings
are words of God,
His music, His

Sacred books we are, for the infinite camps
in our

Every act reveals God and expands His being.
I know that may be hard
to comprehend.

All creatures are doing their best
to help God in His birth
of Himself.

Enough talk for the night.
He is laboring in me;

I need to be silent
for a while,

worlds are forming
in my heart.

Meister Eckhart


  1. "...the unfolding that is happening inside our hearts"; our unfolding relationship in God. Unfolding together in our moments of time.

    1. I just spent some time where I first got to see creation as an unfolding event, and drew five cards while I was at it, plus designs for two future projects, plus thanked God for how my life has unfolded

    2. a good word and thought...i like it.


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