Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things 3 ~ 21 Hopes

collaboration between
Wayne Stratz and Margaret Almon

  1. I hope that when I enter my studio something beautiful will emerge
  2. I hope that after a day of teaching I have the gumption to create something in the kitchen
  3. I hope that my students will experience joy and just maybe realize how cool science is
  4. I hope to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary
  5. I hope to make pizza for 60 people this year or come dang close
  6. I hope to commission art
  7. I hope to watch friends heal when life makes them weary
  8. I hope to learn to really listen to people
  9. I hope to one day love all colors even chartreuse and mauve
  10. I hope to teach others how to make strudel just as my mom-mom taught me
  11. I hope that migrating birds find a safe place to hang out at the other end
  12. I hope to never lose the joy of music touching my heart
  13. I hope that things worth saving are saved
  14. I hope that people experience less hatred
  15. I hope that Mosaic Woman can continue to be a stay at home artist
  16. I hope that I let my life unfold into the mystery and not try to hard to control its path
  17. I hope that my house keeps me warm and dry
  18. I hope to see the Oregon coast again
  19. I hope that I take the time to watch a bird which has allowed me the pleasure to see it
  20. I hope my doubts fade, but never completely
  21. I hope to sing these words on many more Christmas Eves at my current church ~

Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
'Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of HOPE the weary world rejoices, 
For Yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.


  1. I like the co-art...all the hopes...and the song.
    And...if you ever get to Oregon, you better let me know...or else. No, I don't know what the "or else" would be. I just put it in there for effect.

    1. Nance ~ or else... You won't come to PA for pizza and strudel

    2. Oooh, good one.

  2. There is the gorgeous essence of a rainbow again, surrounding one of the most beautiful words in the human language.

    I like all your hopes. But really, chartreuse??? You don't like that?!? It doesn't make your senses soar every time you see it?!? :)

    1. Snowcatcher ~ there I go offending a friend who soars with the color I say I dislike. ;')

  3. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and a restful break from teaching, and that if you make it to the west coast that you head down south a bit to the L.A. area.

    1. Valerie ~ If I come to the west coast it would likely involve seeing my sister in San Jose. We would surely want to see you too!

  4. #18 on your list would be #1, or very close, on mine :)

    1. Ken ~ we lived in Eugene for three years in the early 90's and is where we got married. Looking at the comments so far ... #18 seems to be resonating quite loud with those who read this post.

  5. Since my mom passed in April, I have been singing that song, whenever I find myself alone in the house, full voice and in French, hoping that it will reach Heaven. I cling to those words.

    1. Daisy ~ peace be with you and I am sending out some hope to push those sung words to their heavenly home


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