Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for Open ~ The a to z of one word messages

Blue by Wayne Stratz
Orange by Margaret Almon

Second day in a row of a letter that we have not ventured into, well at least to start a word.  All those Hopes had O's.  

But as I considered the word Open I grew to like it more and more and can imagine it happening one day.

  • To be open to yourself so that you can be open to others.
  • To be open to new adventures no matter the uncertainty to where it will take you.
  • To be open to change, to refuse to be stagnant.
  • To be open to what the other side is saying so that middle ground can be found.
  • To be open to love.
  • To be open to a God that may not be the God you have been told about.
  • To be open to your part of disasters.
  • To be open to those who want to know you.
  • To be open to new music, new art, new neighbors, new bosses, ...
  • To be open to your imperfections
  • To be open to your talents
  • To be open to challenges you would rather avoid
  • To be open to the idea that your true self is ready to emerge.
  • To be open that you must let go to find that true self.

Imagine being open.


  1. I love this post so much! It's my word. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I think Millie and Willie will have to share it tomorrow. Open a Post about Open. How wonderful. (I had a hard time spelling wonderful. It kept coming out wordiful.)

    Play off the Page

  2. What a perfect word, OPEN. What better exhortation to embrace life than this lovely word, explored in this lovely post? I think this is the best.

  3. To be open to your talent... arent we doing not so bad at it.. Happy to connect. Do visit I am following you via #AtoZChallenge

  4. I hope you gets many visitors today. I like this post so much, I saved it.

    You rock!

    Millie and Willie are wondering when you're available for coffee?

  5. OPEN was my word of the day too! YAY!

  6. Love this. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I really like your post. What it makes me think of is being open-hearted and open-minded mostly, and I prize those two qualities very highly.

    Honestly, when I read your post, I heard a line from a poem in my head that I had to look up.

    Edwin Markham. Outwitted.

    "He drew a circle to shut me out,
    heretic rebel, a thing to flout.
    But love and I had the wit to win,
    we drew a circle that took him in."

    That is the kind of open-hearted and open-minded that I want to be. Loved your post! Look forward to reading more.

  8. What a wonderful sentiment on open. All such good suggestions. Love your glass O, too... Broncos colors!!! (ha ha)

  9. Oh, what a word for times such as these.

  10. o is a nice shape

  11. Mary ~ thanks for opening this post and your heart
    Scorched Eyebrow ~ yes indeed, I was so glad that I at times had to stretch into words yet explored in our studio.
    Texas Playwright ~ It was a movement of people who are open
    Megan ~ its over, glad we met on our way to Z!
    Wendy ~ thanks for sharing the poem. How cool that my words brought those to you.
    Snowcatcher ~ I am OK with the Broncos, if they are playing against the Giants or the Cowboys ;')
    Janis ~ thanks
    Nance ~ I put openings into my O's ;')


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