Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Raven Steals the Moon and Sun

47  341/365  Raven Steals The Moon


  1. especially like that first one!

  2. I, too, really like that top one. Truly drawn in by your title!

  3. Ken--- Happy WW to you too.

    Caite and Snowcatcher--- The bottom one is not done justice by my photo.

    Valerie---- I am holding back the recent Corning photos until August

  4. Oh gosh those are beautiful! I just love the colors in both pieces. Your angle, or perspective, makes the light play off them in such interesting ways. I like pictures of pretty and interesting things. But yours are so much more. You add bits of yourself, personality; and also an artistic beauty that really compliments what you are photographing and shows so much of its character. Just great. I'm delighted you shared this. Thank you.

  5. Kwee--- you are way kind. Thanks


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