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a nearly completed Leap by Wayne Stratz |
“When I dare to be powerful,
to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less
important whether I am afraid.” Audrey Lorde
In such a time as this we are
called to respond, but how do we know what matters to God? When I asked the
youth on Wednesday night, the first response was filled with the uncertainty we
may all have at times when we ponder what God wants us to do.
I mean, does God really want
me to guide a flock of young students who have leapt into the high school?
Originally all seven had entered an elementary program for students in need of emotional
support? Now I am their homeroom teacher. Do I have a net to catch them if they
fall? Who has the net if I fall?
The Jews were in exile. A
story was written starring Esther, who was beautiful. Does a message from God exist
in the only book of the Bible that does not mention God or even prayer? Exiled away
from their homeland, fading away from their rituals, and forgetting about the
God who loved them. Can we blame them?
Are we more concerned with
retirement funds or feeding the hungry? Sports results or visiting the sick and
lonely? Shopping and vacations or quiet moments talking with God? It is not
hard to forget about God. No indeed it can be quite easy by a steady stream of
patriotic observances, 24 hour news streams, sporting events, music festivals, entertaining
websites, economic forecasts, and never ending sales events.
Are we Christians in a media exile?
Esther is criticized by some for
not talking about God and for being a member of the king’s harem. She is a
Queen of Persia, who hides her Jewish heritage. She has a close relative who appears
in this story, his name was Mordecai. Mordecai had adopted his cousin when she
was orphaned as a young girl.
As the story unfolds, things
are not going well. The king has not called on Esther for over a month. A man
with political power named Haman is building a large structure. A structure,
which when finished, is where Mordecai and other Jews will be put to death.
Mordecai’s failure to bow down to Haman had landed him with the death penalty.
Our country has a long
history of attacking those who did not bow down adequately. Change the names
and our history can sound like Naman’s hatred of the Jews in Persia. Native
Americans who believed in homeland security, African Americans who dared to
want freedom and rights in a land where they had been exiled, Pennsylvanian
Germans during WWI who wanted their children to speak their language in
schools. Immigrants every where face both the love of a welcoming hand and the
anger flowing from the fear of our land becoming their land.
It is as true now as it was
2000 plus years ago, and as it may always be. Each wave of immigrants or exiles
meets a rocky shore not sure of who they can trust.
Mordecai faced with his life
coming to an end, does not call out to God, but instead Mordecai goes to the
palace, what can he lose. Personally not much, but he risks placing Esther in
the spotlight when he sends her a note.
“For if
you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for
the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who
knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.”
Who have you turned to in
your darkest moments? Would you turn to a family member or a friend with
political power or turn to God? Hopefully both. Hopefully none of us will face
a death penalty. Imagine the fear. But what of the family member we turn to? Would
you risk your well being to help? What if a whistle blower came to one of us?
Would we take up the cry for justice, or remain quiet to not take a risk in
causing waves?
Esther has little time to
save her cousin Mordecai and Esther has lost the King’s favor. Who knows when
she will see the king? She decides to visit the king without an invitation. Her
words upon this decision, “If I perish, I perish.” Imagine having this courage,
if you were the one asked for help. Lose your job. Lose your life. Perish in
the waves caused by your hope to create justice.
And what does a beautiful
Jewish woman do when she illegally enters into the presence of the king; she
invites him to dinner. He accepts and is falling in love again. Esther is beautiful
and brilliant. She is a woman using the attributes she has to save human lives.
For this her character has been attacked. She is bold and invites him to a
second dinner while letting him know she has a favor to ask.
Haman is there, when the
King, now fully smitten with Esther, asks her to please reveal her request. Esther
rises up in defense of Mordecai and and
her people. Yes, she risks her life to save others when she calls out the evil in
Haman’s heart. If I perish, I perish.
Haman is the one to perish.
Mordecai is lifted up. Esther is revered by her people.
Where is God in this land of
ours? What matters to God? The story of Esther is told during the Jewish
festival of Purim. Food and Gifts are shared with one another and while sharing
food matters to God, the last four lines of today’s passage is maybe the strongest
message I see from God. Presents are to be given to the poor.
God is in this story. It is
part of the continuous story of a God that provides and protects; and then expects
those who have a surplus to respond in kind to those in need. Esther reminds us
that praying and then waiting for a blazing bright miracle from God is not the
only route. If I perish, I perish. We must act with a profound hope that it
matters to God before we know if it matters to God.
For the past week I have been
spelling out leap in glass. A large panel that appears to be complete, but the
message is longer. Leap with the hope that a net will appear. Are you like me
and want to see the net and know how strong it is before we leaps. I want to take
safe leaps, but God hopes we will take chances. There is anxiety whether we
leap or not. The anxiety does not decrease if we act, but the results can be so
much better. In my Media filled exile, can I live the life I am called to live?
Pope Francis on teachers: These are educators “that
encourage us to take the first steps in a new activity without having fear of
the obstacles and the challenges to be faced; that spur us to surmount
difficult moments; that exhort us to have confidence in ourselves and in our
companions; that are at our side be it in moments of disappointment and loss,
be it in those of joy and success.”
There are seven youth who will open my classroom door
tomorrow morning. They start their day and end their day with me; and I
question as to why they have been placed into my care.
How do I respond? Do I say, “I am too old for such a
challenge? Why me? I can’t do this” Or do I say, “maybe the last 28 years were
preparing me for such a time as this?” To be honest my brain is saying both.
In such a time as this, God will not be mentioned in my
classroom. I do not pray with my students. We do not fast together during Lent.
Is God there if the story about to unfold does not mention God? Where is my
safety net?
Maybe I need to post this quote in my classroom:
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You must do the thing you cannot