Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: E is for Eating Eggs

first tomato

green Eggs, no ham

47 16/365.... thanks to Julia


  1. I just got here and you've inspired me already: I'm making Spanish tortilla!

  2. I think eggs may be what's for lunch today. The eggs and tomatoes on toast look so yummy!

  3. You're making me hungry! Happy WW!

  4. Eggs with capers... is there anything better!?! OK, now I'm hungry!

  5. KC--- How was it?

    Barbara--- that was the first garden tomato of that year

    Staci--- Happy WW to you!

    Valerie--- Margaret forces me to try all these exotic foods like capers

    Di--- come over in the summer when the farmer's market is flowing

  6. We are having egg breakfast burritos for dinner! How timely!

  7. Cinnamon Owl--- timely indeed. and to think I didn't eat an egg today.

  8. In my fridge...2 dozen organic, free range eggs gifted to me by a friend. Guess I better get cracking!

    Nice eggs!

    I'm partial to fried egg sandwiches with cheese and rooster sauce.

  9. I love eggs, and egg and tomato together are one of my favourites. Hmm, I may go and boil some eggs actually...

    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  10. Lynn--- The rooster sauce goes well with many a thing.

    Tundiel--- hope you had a tasty egg dish. Thanks for the return visit

  11. Great pictures--and now I'm feeling hungry!

    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  12. Golden Eagle--- it was a treat to read your blog. Thanks for stopping over here.

  13. Oh, the first two have made me SO hungry!!!

    You're doing well with this alphabet thing!

  14. Snowcatcher--- the a to z challenge has taken me to places I knew I was going and new places. Don't think this egg post would have happened without it.


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